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International Workshop on Meta-materials and Plasmonics

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Invited Speakers :

(17) Tiejun Cui
Southeast University, China.

TItle: Optical Transformation with Easy-Realized Metamaterials


In the past two years, much attention has been paid to the optical transformation, which employs the metric invariance property of Maxwell's equations. The transformation optics opens up many possibilities and methods to control the electromagnetic (EM) fields and it can be employed to design reflectionless complex media, such as cloaks, concentrator, EM-wave rotators, imaging devices, and high-performance antennas. However, the optical-transformation media are usually inhomogeneous and highly anisotropic, hence are difficult to realize using metamaterials. More recently, Li and Pendry have proposed a carpet cloak which conceals an object located on the surface of a conducting plane. The big advantage of the carpet cloak compared to the spatial cloaks is the easy realization of the cloak materials. In this talk, I will present the new progress of transformation optics in my group, including the arbitrary invisible cloaks andconcentrators, the transparent cloaks, the new cloaks with easy-realizable metamaterials, the wave-bending structures, and the high-performance antennas based on a discrete optical transformation. Our goal is to make the optical-transformation media have simple forms so that they can easily be realized by metamaterials.


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